Welcome to Typefit’s documentation!¶
Typefit is a Retrofit-inspired library for Python that helps you fitting decoded JSON data into Python type-annotated structures.
from typefit import api
from typing import NamedTuple, Text
class Item(NamedTuple):
id: int
title: Text
class HackerNews(api.SyncClient):
BASE_URL = "https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/"
def get_item(self, item_id: int) -> Item:
story = HackerNews().get_item(42)
# An alternative to VC: "Selling In"
Using this approach, you describe API objects to your typing annotations processor and thus make your API client type-safe. The auto-completion of your editor starts working and you know exactly what should expect from your data.
Typefit provides several modules to help you.